Frequently Asked Questions

When are we going 24/7?

In God’s grace and timing, and as full-time and part-time Intercessory Missionaries (singers, musicians, intercessors etc.) are added, we will go 24/7 as a house of prayer in the Greater Toledo Area. Is the Lord calling you to be a part of it?

Are singers & musicians needed?

Yes! Do you have a heart for prayer, and play an instrument and/or sing? You can join a worship team to keep the fire on the altar. Initial commitment is 3 months on your worship set, plus attending 1 more set each week to pray. Following the initial 3 months, you are free to continue with one of our teams or be done serving in this way (though we’d love to have you continue!).

Can I be part of another church/ministry and play on a GTHOP team?

Yes! We believe it is very important to be a part of a local church. We ask, however, that you commit to be a part of your set (2 hours), pray for 1 more set (2 hours) per week, and participate in worship team trainings.

Questions? Please contact for further details.